Alien Boy
Alien Boy
Alien Boy follows the adventures of a young Autistic boy, who discovers that he is far more than the orphan he thinks he is and far more important than he ever realised.
This is the first of three adventures, designed for children who like a quick exciting read.
While print copies available from CAN HQ, it can also currently be ordered online from the following locations:
Amazon (eBook):
Alien Boy: 1 (Alien Boy Chronicles) : Constantine: Books
Google Play (eBook):
Alien Boy by Constantine – Books on Google Play
Waterstones (Paperback):
Alien Boy by Constantine | Waterstones
About The Maker: Constantine
About The Maker: Constantine
Constantine previously worked on the children's T.V. show "Pablo" (available in the U.K. through the BBC), and has written four episodes of the second season and was involved in the development of the upcoming stage play, Pablo is about a young autistic boy.
Constantine first started writing seriously in 2010. His son had been diagnosed as Autistic and during this process, Constantine discovered that he was Autistic himself. His son was struggling at school and in an attempt to show him that Autism need not be a barrier to achievement, Constantine enrolled in adult education and tried to better the abysmal grades he had received as a child.
Buoyed up by his success with writing he entered Middlesex University and was astonished when a few years later he received a B.A. with first-class honours in 'creative and media writing.'
He later achieved a creative writing master's degree at Leicestershire University.